Stylish looking people everywhere and i simply love those lovely shops in paddington.
Whooo...not forgetting Max Brenner's chocolate cafe. Quite different from the one in Singapore.

I want to go there for breakfast soon! Lovely lovely!

Bought myself a charm bracelet yesterday at one of the stalls in paddington markets.
i just can't resist the temptations of charm bracelet, they have really charmed their way to make me buy them. visit their online shop for more designs,
The postcards that i have taken from this hippy looking travel shop in paddington yesterday. Images from all around the world, depicting the differences in global cultures, quite interesting, isn't it?
Just finished a yoga session in the morning and had some oats, eggs and baked beans for breakfast and heading to randwick later for some Boost jucies, thinking of getting the energiser juice( made up of banana, strawberry and orange)again. Yoga again tomorrow? Sounds like a fabulous idea to me.
September issue of realiving, great articles inside, lots of useful tips to decorate your room! Isn't the peach pink cover pretty?
Another Nudie, this time round in another flavour.Loads of vitamins packed in a mini bottle, my body will thank me for it.
Going to Gold Coast again at the end of September. I am going to make sure that i visit Palazzo Versace again and spend as much time as possible on those world renowned sandy beaches of Gold Coast, in particular Surfer's Paradise. Summer's coming! Hit those gorgeous beaches in your bikini, show some skin:)
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