
Aeroplanes Cookies~

Aeroplane butter cookies!!!

Here are the cookies that i made with Pang Ping:))))

Baking.........................Pushback, pushback, requesting for permission to take off

V1, VR, V2, take off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Gonski, my University Chancellor, as well as director of Singapore Airlines will be making his first visit to my dormitory next tuesday, i can't wait to meet him!!!
How i wish he will be at my graduation ceremony:)


2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

haha my name at last, i also uploaded some pics on my blog already

chubs さんのコメント...

私はちょうどGonski樣に最後の土曜日会った。 彼にすぐに会おうとしている:) 良い人