My mum bought me a Vera Wang princess flower perfume today. The bottle is so gorgeous! A perfume fit for a princess indeed, erm not referring to me.
A Dior saddle wallet for my 22nd too.
Yeah! Finally bought Albion Skin Conditioner from this beautician at Lucky Plaza, nevermind the dodgy location but this is the only place in Singapore that carries the Albion line of products. I heard that Lin Zhi Ling is a great fan of Albion skin conditioner too. Well, the skin conditioner helps to improve skin renewal and to brighten the skin, giving it a more even texture.I am going to buy the Summer Chiffon powder on my next visit to the beautician!!! That's one of Albion signature product.
I'm thinking of switching from Shiseido to Albion's Exage White skincare line soon. Shiseido is good as well, especially its white lucent range which i have been using for almost 3 years. Thumbs up for White Lucent range of brightening moisturising gel.
This is the website for Albion.
And from Captain, i am stil waiting for him to come back from Dubai. One more day to seeing dear again, 12 unbearable days without you. 好想你啊!再多一天就能看见你了!
Hugs and Kisses
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