It sure feels a whole lot different from last semester when i was taking QMA. I felt happier now:)
There is a long list of places and things to do for my last semester here. Too many places to go to, too many things to see.
Here's my draft travelling plan, there might be or should i say should have more to add to the list:
1. Hunter Valley, Sydney (this will be the third time, i just can't get enough of the breathtaking scenery, cheese factories and wineries)
2. Port Stephens( hope to see the whales this time)
3. Canberra for the spring festival,( heard that it's a boring place but no harm going to the country's capital city)
4. Wollongong
5. Take part in City To Surf, Sydney 2008( an annual mega marathon event)
6. Visit all the art musuems in Sydney
7. Visit the Opera House again, Opera Bar
8. Cafes, cafes and more cafes
9. Might be going to Gold Coast again, I love Surfer's Paradise!
10.Give me more of Bondi Beach, i just love having sunday breakfast by the world renowned beach
11. Oh ya, the Paddington Markets too
Well, my mum will be coming to Australia next year for my graduation, still have another chance to have an Australian tour again. Australian outback? nah, not for me, i need shopping.
I bought some fruits just now, aussie grown red strawberries..they smell really good by the way.
My mango papaya air fresherner, makes my room smells yummy delicious.
Not quite my dressing table though.
Lotsa Luv,
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