

This is a late blog entry from last week before the lightning striked our beloved Merlion. I was talking about the antenna on the Merlion and asked Captain whether there is really a need to install it as i thought that the Merlion looks short and there is only a low possibility of being striked by the lightning.I had absolutely no intentions to curse the Merlion and to my surprise, the lightning striked it of all things the following day:) Poor Merlion, hard on you buddy....you must be screaming in agony.

We had New Zealand Natural ice cream in Kiwi flavour but it turned out tasting like melons...

Captain and I had our dinner at this restaurant called???..i can't recall the name.
We ordered the Lobster Nonya Laksa which i will give 5 out of 5 stars for its thick, aromatic gravy. Service was prompt as there were not many guests at that time, except for the Japanese student group. Instead of clams that you can find in Laksa sold in food centres, they substituted them with succulent mussels. After eating their laksa, i was inspired to cook my own laksa too(which i have not).

We tried to use this special lens given by Captain's father to take pictures of lights. The lens will help to create the sparkling effect set off from the lights. Lovely!

This is the most dazzling construction site in Singapore! It's actually the IR area..

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Unknown さんのコメント...

Când un dinte are o distructie carioasa prea mare, poti apela la o lucrare protetica sau la implanturi de aceasta treaba se ocupa un medic dentist si totul numa pentru un zambet frumos. Apeleaza cu incredere la un stomatologic cu experienta si nu lasa ca zambetul frumos sa dispara.